เนื่องจากมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงในด้าน Interface ที่แตกต่างไปจาก Version เดิม ๆ Siam Monsooner Library จึงทำ content เป็นรูปแบบคลิป และอาจมีการเสริมเอกสาร ความรู้เสริมในแต่ละเรื่องเพืมเติม
กลุ่ม Module/Feature ที่เกี่ยวกับการขาย และการทำตลาด
Retails (RTL), Wholesales (B2B), eCommerce (ECM), Services(SRV) และ Marketing (MKT)
Retails (RTL), Wholesales (B2B), eCommerce (ECM), Services(SRV) และ Marketing (MKT)
ผมเลื่อกที่จะจัดกลุ่ม Module ให้ง่ายต่อความเข้าใจของนักเรียน นิสิต นักศึกษา เป็นหลัก โดยกลุ่มโมดูลนี้ เกี่ยวข้องกับการขาย และการทำตลาด ซึ่งนำมาซึ่ง "รายได้" ของกิจการ อย่างไรก็ดีในแต่ละงานจะต้องมีการบริหารร่วมกันกับกระบวนการอื่น ๆ ในกลุ่มโมดูลต่าง ๆ อย่างขาดจากกันไม่ได้ ซึ่งในกลุุ่มโมดูลของ MonsoonSIM ซึ่งตรงกับ หลัก Renenue Stream มี 4 วิธีด้วยกัน ได้แก่
ประสบการณ์ที่ผู้ใช้ได้รับเบื้องต้น อาทิ ในการบริหารข้อมูลความต้องการ Forecarting กับการ Procure สินค้า, การตั้งราคา, การลงโฆษณาประชาสัมพันธ์ กับการวัดผลจากยอด conversion, กระแสเงินสด, การจัดการเมื่อเกิดความผันแปรจากสถานการณ์ต่าง ๆ, การวางแผนการจัดกำลังคน, กระบวนการทางการค้าที่มีกระบวนการแตกต่างกันไปในรูปแบบการขายที่แตกต่างกัน รวมไปถึงรูปแบบของบัญชีที่มีรายละะเอียดแตกต่างกันไป, การวางแผนกลยุทธ์ ฯลฯ
- การค้าปลีก (B2C Retail) (RTL)
- การค้าส่ง (ฺB2B wholesales) (B2B)
- การค้าพาณิชย์อิเล็คทรอนิกส์ (e-Commerce) (ECM)
- การให้บริการ (Outsourcing Service) (SRV)
ประสบการณ์ที่ผู้ใช้ได้รับเบื้องต้น อาทิ ในการบริหารข้อมูลความต้องการ Forecarting กับการ Procure สินค้า, การตั้งราคา, การลงโฆษณาประชาสัมพันธ์ กับการวัดผลจากยอด conversion, กระแสเงินสด, การจัดการเมื่อเกิดความผันแปรจากสถานการณ์ต่าง ๆ, การวางแผนการจัดกำลังคน, กระบวนการทางการค้าที่มีกระบวนการแตกต่างกันไปในรูปแบบการขายที่แตกต่างกัน รวมไปถึงรูปแบบของบัญชีที่มีรายละะเอียดแตกต่างกันไป, การวางแผนกลยุทธ์ ฯลฯ
พื้นฐานของ 4 โมดูล ด้าน Interface และการใช้งาน
พื้นฐานความรู้ ด้านงานขาย และรายได้เบื้องต้น
คำแนะนำ: ให้ดูจากแทบซ้ายไล่ไปทางขวา (ซับซ้อนน้อย (ฺฺBasic) --> ซับซ้อนที่เพิ่มขึ้น (Next Basic Level)) และดูเนื้อหาในส่วนอื่นประกอบด้วย
แนะนำให้ศึกษาเรื่อง Operating Model ของแต่ละ Module ประกอบ
แนะนำให้ศึกษาเรื่อง Operating Model ของแต่ละ Module ประกอบ
Retail B2C (RTL)
B2B Wholesales (B2B)
e-Commerce (ECM)
Oursourcing Service (SRV)
พื้นฐาน ความเข้าใจ และ Interface
การใช้งานกราฟที่เกี่ยวข้อง และตัวชี้วัด
Operating model [Retail Module]
By : Abdybroto Taminsjah
The following describes the operating model of the MonsoonSIM Retail module.
In Theory, Perfectly elastic demand Is when there is a change in demand even when there is no change in price. For example, fuel gas, luxury car, etc. But in MonsoonSIM, it is the most sensitive to price change compared to the other types.
By : Abdybroto Taminsjah
The following describes the operating model of the MonsoonSIM Retail module.
- The basis of all retails is on a cash basis. Thus, there is no credit available for retail customers.
- Sales are affected by pricing, marketing, competitors' pricing and marketing, and our staff index. It is also affected by whether our competitors have run out of stock.
- A lower price usually increases the unit sold. The level of sales increase depends on the price elasticity of the area. For some areas, the impact is higher. While, in some areas, the price change impact may have an insignificant effect on the unit sold.
- Marketing generally increases units sold. However, it depends on the marketing media chosen (see marketing operation model).
- If our competitor increases its product price, our sales will generally increase. However, once again, it depends on the price sensitivity of the area. And its effect varies from one to another.
- Staff index also affects our sales. Hence, it is essential to maintain our staff index at 100%.
- There are up to 3 retail stores players must manage.
- Learners can only rent areas for retail stores (unable to be bought).
- Rental terms can be :
- Daily,
- 7-day contract with auto-renew, and
- 30-day contract with auto-renew.
- Rental fees per location can be fluctuative. Learners can view it in the Forecasting module.
- Learners are encouraged to lock in the lengthier rental contract when the rent is low. However, after signing the contract, learners cannot change it until the next newly-signed contract is in place.
- The rental price for a retail store is higher than the rental price for the warehouse.
- Each product will consume a certain amount of retail store space.
- Players can increase or decrease the rental space.
- Total products in-store must be less than storage space to avoid paying overflow penalties.
- Players can freely move stock from one area to another, including a warehouse.
- Players should consider replenishment from warehouses instead of other stores, as warehouses have bigger storage capacity.
- Holidays will significantly impact the market demand.
- Learners can check retail sales demand from the forecast, which is very predictable.
- Staff index affects the effectiveness of our retail sales. Hence, it is necessary to maintain our staff index at 100% anytime.
- Players can analyze the sales performance and other helpful intelligence by carefully examining the information from the Business Intelligence explorer.
- Customer loyalty will affect the demand for your retail store products in one area. The higher the customer loyalty, the less likely your customers will turn away from your products when it is out of stock.
- There are three types of the Price Elasticity of Demand in MonsoonSIM, there are:
- Perfectly Inelastic
- Is when there is almost no change in demand with the change in price.
- Unitary Elastic
- Is when there is a change in demand in proportion to the change in price.
- Perfectly Elastic
- Is when the demand for the product is entirely dependent on the price of the goods.*
- Perfectly Inelastic
In Theory, Perfectly elastic demand Is when there is a change in demand even when there is no change in price. For example, fuel gas, luxury car, etc. But in MonsoonSIM, it is the most sensitive to price change compared to the other types.
B2B Wholesals (B2B)
B2B Wholesals (B2B)
พื้นฐาน ความเข้าใจ และ Interface
การใช้งานกราฟที่เกี่ยวข้อง และตัวชี้วัด
Operating model [B2B Module]
By : Abdybroto Taminsjah
The following describes the operating model of the MonsoonSIM B2B module
By : Abdybroto Taminsjah
The following describes the operating model of the MonsoonSIM B2B module
- There are several corporate clients.
- Corporate clients will seek to buy your products by announcing their desire to purchase your goods via two types of offers.
- straight deal
- Bidding or Tendering
- Players must compete with other teams in securing the two types of deals specified above.
- For a straight-dealing
- It is a first-come-first-get model.
- The deal price and all other terms and conditions are all specified.
- Striking the deal will automatically create a Sales Order (SO.)
- The SO cannot be canceled.
- The SO must be fulfilled based on the delivery time specified. Otherwise, a late penalty shall apply.
- For a bid
- Teams must submit the bid price before the bid announcement (open) day.
- The winner will be awarded based on the bidder with the lowest price.
- The number of goods required, delivery date, late penalty, and other conditions are all specified in the bid.
- If two bidders bid for the same price, the first team to bid will be the winner.
- The bid winner declaration will occur upon the bid open (announcement) day.
- For the winner, the deal will automatically create a Sales Order (SO.)
- For the losers, the deal will be considered Cancelled.
- Some bids require a minimum amount of bidders. If the number of bidders is below the minimum bidder level, the system will cancel all the proposed prices.
- A SO cannot be canceled.
- Learners need to fulfill SO based on the delivery time specified. Otherwise, a late penalty shall apply.
- To fulfill the SO, teams can:
- Use existing unallocated stocks.
- Procure (outsourced) from finished goods vendors.
- Procure raw materials and produce on their own.
- The system will allocate goods as soon as there is available un-allocated stock.
- No partial delivery is supported.
- After allocating the required goods for the B2B sales order, a shipment will occur.
- Shipment comes from either the warehouse, retail store, or both. And this shipping will incur costs.
- Shipping costs will incur depending on the size of the goods and the distance to the client.
- Shipping time will depend on the distance to the client. And the distance traveled by movers (shippers) daily can be configured by the facilitator.
- Staff index affects the effectiveness of stock allocation. Hence, it is necessary to maintain our staff index at 100% anytime.
- Learners cannot cancel an accepted B2B offer.
- Players can analyze the sales performance and other handy intelligence by carefully examining the information from the Business Intelligence explorer.
- Payment from a B2B deal depends on the terms of payment specified in the offer.
- Once goods are delivered, the system will trigger accounts receivable in the accounting.
- When the payment date is due, the client will pay. And the account receivables will reverse.
- Client Credit Rating
- The client will have a new parameter called Credit Rating.
- The default value for the credit rating for each client is AAA.
- The credit rating options are AAA, BBB, CCC, DDD, and random.
- For random, the rating can change to AAA, BBB, CCC, or DDD.
- Traversing from AAA, BBB to DDD, these rated Clients have the following characteristic:
- The more towards DDD, the higher the profit margin offered in B2B bids, deals, and service offers.
- However, the more towards DDD, the higher the chance of late payment to you (making it harder to collect money.)
- Note that if you do not turn on Accrual, the above does not matter. But If you do turn on Accrual, please be advised of the above. Late in getting paid can significantly affect your cash flow.
e-Commerce (ECM)
e-Commerce (ECM)
พื้นฐาน ความเข้าใจ และ Interface
การใช้งานกราฟที่เกี่ยวข้อง และตัวชี้วัด
Operating model [eCommerce Module]
By : Abdybroto Taminsjah
The following describes the operating model of MonsoonSIM eCommerce module.
Seller web market rating:
on the E-Commerce tab, you can search for a product that you want to sell, and look for available offers from the buyer
To become a web market buyer:
on the E-Commerce tab, you can search for a product that you want to buy, and look for available offers from the seller
By : Abdybroto Taminsjah
The following describes the operating model of MonsoonSIM eCommerce module.
Seller web market rating:
- There is a simple 5-star rating controlled by the system
- The rating of 0 to 5 star will be automatically assigned for the seller in the web market
- Rating of 0 is extremely undesirable and the rating of 5 means excellent performance
- Rating of 0 star - for wrong items shipped
- Rating of 1 star - for extremely late delivery
- Rating of 2 star - for very late delivery
- Rating of 3 star - for late delivery
- Rating of 4 star - for slightly late delivery
- Rating of 5 star - for on-time delivery
- The Rating is automatically assigned by the system based on the delivery date and items delivered. Neither learners nor the certified trainers are able to control the rating.
- You can browse for items for sale and click "buy"
- Buying will trigger a PO (Purchase Order)
- Seller should deliver the items within the days promised. Some deliveries may be late while some deliveries are on schedule.
- If the goods arrive late, the system will automatically assign a rating for the seller using a typical 5-star system.
- Learners are not able to control the rating
- Upon receiving the goods, the system will automatically give a rating to the seller based on their delivery time
- You can browse for items for sale and click "we sell"
- Selling will trigger a SO (Sales Order)
- Seller should deliver the items within the days promised. Some deliveries may be late while some deliveries are on schedule.
- In a case where buyer suddenly experienced bankruptcy or don't have enough cash to pay the seller, the SO will be automatically canceled within specific days.
- If the goods arrive late, the system will automatically assign a rating for the seller using a typical 5-star system.
- Learners are not able to control the rating
- Upon receiving the goods, the system will automatically give a rating to the seller based on their delivery time
- To improve the rating, seller has to meet the delivery deadline
on the E-Commerce tab, you can search for a product that you want to sell, and look for available offers from the buyer
- If the buyer cannot pay for the goods within specific days, the allocated goods will be returned to the seller
- If the seller neglected the accepted order for too long, it will be automatically canceled
To become a web market buyer:
on the E-Commerce tab, you can search for a product that you want to buy, and look for available offers from the seller
- If the buyer cannot pay for the goods within specific days, the allocated goods will be returned to the seller
- If the seller neglected the accepted order for too long, it will be automatically canceled
- A seller who has done a successful transaction before will have a star rating visible, so you can also decide based on the rating
Outsourcing Service (SRV)
Outsourcing Service (SRV)
พื้นฐาน ความเข้าใจ และ Interface
การใช้งานกราฟที่เกี่ยวข้อง และตัวชี้วัด
Operating model [Service Management Module]
By : Abdybroto Taminsjah,
The following describes the operating model of the MonsoonSIM Service Management module
By : Abdybroto Taminsjah,
The following describes the operating model of the MonsoonSIM Service Management module
- There are several clients.
- Service Income
- The clients will seek our services through RFQ (Request for Quotation.)
- The RFQ will contain several specifications:
- The services man-days needed.
- The maximum price the client is willing to pay.
- The expected delivery date.
- The quotation results announcement day.
- The penalty for late delivery.
- The RFQ is a form of bidding (in which the client will compare all teams' quotations.)
- The client will compare based on the price offered (lower means better.)
- The system will decline quotations with mismatched skill service resources (staff) assigned.
- On the bid announcement day, the client will announce the winning bidder and award the winner a new sales order (SO.)
- The SO cannot be canceled or modified.
- The losing bidders will see their RFQ marked as "canceled."
- The winning team must schedule the man-days as per the RFQ.
- Those resources of the winning bid will be marked "blocked" on their calendar and will not be able to be scheduled for other jobs.
- If the job is complete, the client will pay the service provider.
- When the resource (staff) assigned to a job resigns before all the promised man-days are delivered, the service will not finish. The client shall wait for fifteen (15) days for the company to fulfill the delivery. Failing to do so will render the SO "canceled" with no payment obligated by the client.
- Players can analyze the services management performance and other helpful intelligence by carefully examining the information from the Business Intelligence explorer.
- Complaints
- Clients, vendors, or co-workers may complain about someone in our department when that department's staff index has dropped below 100%.
- To know more about the staff index, please visit the "operating model" of human capital management.
- Complaints should be dealt with by the service department as soon as possible.
- The system will record every complaint, regardless of whether it's dealt with or not.
- Ignoring a complaint will result in more severe consequences than responding to one.
- Consequences are :
- Vendors may increase their selling price.
- Clients may request less of our goods and services.
- Co-workers may have higher work dissatisfaction - which may lead to issues and eventual resignation (see HR model.)
- Multiple bookings
- It is possible to have multiple bookings. It can also happen in MonsoonSIM, like in real life.
- Learners will experience delivery problems if there is a situation when learners assign a resource (staff) to multiple jobs at the same time.
- On RFQ#123
- Team A propose John Doe & Peter Wu on day 8,9,10
- After that, Team A also dispatch the same person for RFQ#321 on day 9,10,11
- If Team A wins both the bids, they will not be able to fulfill one due to the unavailability of resources for day 10. Eventually, the customer will cancel it and not pay the order.
- Client Credit Rating
- The client will have a new parameter called Credit Rating.
- The default value for the credit rating for each client is AAA.
- The credit rating options are AAA, BBB, CCC, DDD, and random.
- For random, the rating can change to AAA, BBB, CCC, or DDD.
- Traversing from AAA, BBB to DDD, these rated Clients have the following characteristic:
- The more towards DDD, the higher the profit margin offered in B2B bids, B2B deals, and service offers.
- However, the more towards DDD, the higher the chance of late payment to you (making it harder to collect money.)
- Note that if you do not turn on Accrual, the above does not matter. But If you do turn on Accrual, please be advised of the above. Late in getting paid can significantly affect your cash flow.
Marketing (MKT)
Marketing (MKT)
พื้นฐาน ความเข้าใจ และ Interface
การใช้งานกราฟที่เกี่ยวข้อง และตัวชี้วัด
การใช้งานกราฟที่เกี่ยวข้อง และตัวชี้วัด
Operating model [Marketing Module]
By : Abdybroto Taminsjah
The following describes the operating model of the MonsoonSIM Marketing module.
By : Abdybroto Taminsjah
The following describes the operating model of the MonsoonSIM Marketing module.
- Marketing investment to improve your retail sales.
- To make a marketing investment, one must go through Purchasing department to make a request, called Purchase Requisition (PR).
- There are three marketing media (vendors) available.
- Each media (vendor) will yield a different Return on Investment (ROI).
- Some media can be beneficial for a specific product or area.
- The system will randomize Media' ROIs upon session initialization.
- Learners need to observe the ROIs by comparing the unit sold vs. the marketing investment via business intelligence explorer.
- Once you have discovered the ROI of the media, you should take advantage of such knowledge to boost your retail sales.
- The amount of marketing spending is on a per virtual-day basis.
- Market Intelligence
- There is a marketing report available for purchase.
- Each marketing report will give market insights on the retail sales market (collected from all other players). Examples:
- Market share for numbers of units sold in the retail market,
- Market share for total sales for the retail market,
- Our sales compared to the market,
- Our unit sold compared to the market, and
- Our prices compared to the market.
- Brand awareness
- Brand awareness is the degree of consumer recognition of a product by its brand.
- In the early days, your brand awareness will be low, and as time goes by, it will go higher. Learners can use marketing to boost their brand awareness.
- Marketing spending will count towards expenses.
- Staff index affects the effectiveness of our marketing. Hence, it is essential to maintain our staff index at 100% every time.